Our Story, My way ~ From Then to Now (Part III)

A few days after we started dating we went to my house after work. Though, this was not to meet and greet with Elvis and my mother because it was after work, which means it was late meaning my mother was asleep. I unlocked the door, turned off the alarm, and inside we went straight to my room. Once in the room, we ended up getting caught up in the moment. Actually, I believe we were caught up in the moment when walking into the house because I forgot to lock the front door. Well, a few minutes later we heard a noise. Then the sound of my ex’s voice, Jason, yelling my name along with some other profanities of the degrading nature while slamming doors on the inside of my house. Jason bombarded past the front door without so much as a hesitation for knocking and literally flew inside of my mother’s house and into my room. Luckily, Elvis was quick in his thought and fled to my closet. Jason must have been watching us as we arrived home because he kept screaming, “where is he?” “I’m gonna kill ‘em,” “where is he?”

Panic flooded me. Even though we had been broken up for over a month now I was still panicked. A flow of thoughts over took my mind. What would happen? Would they fight? What about my mom – who was sound asleep upstairs? Who had no idea that 1) Elvis was here, 2) who Elvis was other than from me talking about him, and 3) she despised Jason.

It did not take long for my mother to be woken by the commotion. She immediately ran down stairs and saved the day as Jason was getting ready to open the closet door. He did get the closet door open, but didn’t get a punch or a word in. My mother yanked him out of my room (despite her being of petite stature and Jason around 5’ 11”) and out of the house telling him if he ever stepped foot on her property the cops would be called. But, before she did this Elvis and Jason made eye contact.

We were never interrupted by Jason again as he joined the military. For a few months Jason would send me pictures and letters. He even sent me his dog tags, but then he stopped communicating with me, I assume, because the communication was not returned.

After Jason left I introduced my mom and Elvis, as it was the proper thing to do. Even my mom took to liking him at that first introduction, though it was brief introduction as introductions go. We, Elvis and I, joked about this “event” often. Relief engulfed me that he was not turned off by this. I was completely mortified thinking he wasn’t going to want anything to do with me because he was a pretty mellow person and this was too much drama in such a short time. This added to my love for him. Love just kept building faster than I could breathe.

Our love was surreal – almost like it was out of a fairy-tale. At least it felt that way for me. I am pretty sure he would say the same. I couldn’t get enough of him. Wanted him by my side twenty-four hours a day eight days a week. Yes, I wanted to add time because I never felt like there was enough of it with him. We did everything together.

We spent the summer being inseparable, random adventures at every turn, watching movies, working, and me attending classes at Broward Community College.

I remember studying in Elvis’ room, while he was working on his music. Tingling sensations would take my body hostage when I watched his fingers glide across the keyboard producing sweet sounds to soothe my core.

I remember the day his computer arrived. The big ol’ cow decorated Gateway box. Elvis was beyond ecstatic. Box was opened, contents removed, and within in seconds the computer was set-up. We sat, in silence, listening to the hum of the computer booting up. It wasn’t too long after the computer arrived that Elvis got a software program where he could create music, rather, where he could create the instrumentals of music.

I could tell how proud he was of himself with every creation. What he didn’t know was how proud I was of him! I should have been more open with him. More honest with myself.

He would strip songs of their original instrumentals and pair them with his design. More often than not I found myself appreciating his remix much more than the original version of the song. After a while it became that I couldn’t even imagine the song in its original version because his was so much better. Elvis was the Albert Einstein of music. How he did it I have no idea. I cannot even fathom how he could hear a song and think that this instrument at this cord should be placed here and replicated here and looped there. Above all things, I was more proud of him because he was self-taught.

I still listen to his first creations. Probably listen to them about once a week. Memories flood, along with tears, my soul.

One of the best things about our relationship was when we were together it was like nothing in the world existed except for us. The two of us made up the world. We were also always together. There was hardly a time we weren’t together unless one of us was working and the other was not, but we would always meet up after work.

Actually, it was almost like I moved in to his room after we first started dating. I had a toothbrush there. Clothing that I kept there. I rarely went home anymore. He would iron my shirt for work because our shirts had to be starched and ironed in order to stay wrinkle free for the evening. He would even go to my doctor appointments with me. We didn’t really go out to clubs because that was not his scene, but occasionally I would go with friends. After the club I would head over to his house.

I am not really sure how it was brought up, but I am sure he could tell you. We decided we were going to Disney World for the weekend. Well, we were leaving on a Saturday and returning on Sunday. We left early Saturday morning before daylight broke. Drove up there, which took us about 3 and half hours, possibly a little less. We got high on the drive-up and were drinking some liquor I had taken from my mom’s bar stock in the house. We had tequila and rum.

There was never a dull moment filled with silence on the ride to Disney World. We talked, laughed, and fondled each other the entire ride. Remember how our lips acted as magnets, well, this was true for our bodies as well. When we were in the same room, or vicinity, we were always never quite close enough. A part of ourselves had to be touching a part of the other. Almost as if we were each other’s life-line.

We arrived without having a hotel reservation or anything. We were living in the moment and enjoying all of them. It felt good. It felt like I was actually living. I am sure he would say the same. It felt like I was never truly living until I met him. A flood of emotions always overcame me like a tidal wave pulling me under and over when I thought of him or was around Elvis. Emotions so unexpected, beautiful, but almost deadly to my being Of course, this is deadly in a pleasant way – romantic to say the least.

We decided to explore Disney first. This particular day the lines weren’t long at all. Which was shocking since it was the weekend. Or maybe I was so consumed by him I didn’t notice the passing of time.

When standing in line we would be entwined in one another oblivious to those around us. Ah, the memories of our bodies touching make me tingle inside. All over, from head to toe, inner to outer, I could feel him.

We spent the day adventuring around Disney World and making several retreats back to my car so we could drink – sipping, or gulping, alcohol straight from the bottle. The windows on the car quickly became laced in steam, which was a mixture of our love and smoke from blunts. We were so high, high on life, amongst other things. Moments of laughter erupted unexpectedly, but all in moments of perfection. We would laugh at ourselves constantly. Eventually the day of rides and roller coasters ended. Night had fallen and our lust for another had grown wildly intoxicating. We needed to find ourselves, or lose ourselves, to each other.

1 Comment »

  1. Bryan Said:

    You should have been saving this for your nanowrimo, I can tell you have tons of memories that would have easily filled a Novel.

    Can’t wait for morning…

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